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Expiréedepuis 9 mois

01 Commis à l’Expédition

Date limite 21 septembre 2023
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Immédiate

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDI
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • completion of secondary school
  • experience in transportation
  • property management
  • level iii french and english
  • valid driver
  • €™s license

Expérience souhaitée

  • Confirmé | Expérimenté

Secteur d'activité

  • Humanitaire / Action sociale / Pacification

Documents à joindre

  • cv
  • apply online

Description du poste

Completion of secondary school is required. Two years of progressively responsible experience in transportation, property management, shipping, warehousing, or inventory work is required. Must have detailed knowledge of the Senegalese customs, immigration, and transportation requirements. Must be familiar with the U.S. Government regulations governing shipping and transportation. A good working knowledge of regional and local shipping and transportation companies, capabilities, and quality of work is also required. Level III (good working Knowledge) reading/writing/speaking in English and French is required. Must be tactful in dealing with customs personnel in order to effect the rapid clearance of shipments with minimal difficulties. Must also be able to establish and maintain an effective network among shipping companies. Level 1 typing (40 wpm) is required. Must be able to prepare documents using Excel, Word, for tracking shipments. Must have a valid driver’s license to operate official vehicles.


Facilitate shipments in and out of Dakar of personal and USG property. Expedite customs clearances of all USG equipment, goods and supplies, as well as household effects of US citizen personnel assigned to the US mission. Carries out tasks accurately, efficiently, and honestly, while maintaining excellent GSO customer service standards. Protects against waste and fraud, and immediately reports to supervisor and/or GSO any suspected incidences.

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