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Expiréedepuis 10 mois

01 Assistant Protocole

Date limite 08 septembre 2023
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Immédiate

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDI
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • a university degree in international relations
  • experience in business office
  • fluency in french english
  • office experience in a bilingual environment
  • similar experience

Expérience souhaitée

  • Confirmé | Expérimenté

Secteur d'activité

  • Humanitaire / Action sociale / Pacification

Documents à joindre

  • cv
  • apply online

Description du poste

Minimum of 4 years of progressively responsible experience in business office experience in a bilingual (French/English) environment including maintaining contacts with Government officials, diplomatic corps, dignitaries. Must have a detailed understanding of local political and economic sectors, social community members as well as diplomatic and international organizations, protocol standards, local institutions and very important people at Post. A university degree in International Relations, Law, Administration, Languages/Linguistics, or Communication Sciences is required. Excellent interpersonal skills and strong intercultural awareness are required. Must be timely and accurate in drafting, editing, and translating a wide variety of documents in English and French. Must be able to do research and analysis in a variety of technical and complex subject matter fields. Must be able to work extensive hours, including weekends, holidays and late evenings, with all appropriate appearance and dress for the occasion. Must be comfortable in an automated environment with the ability to understand. English: Level IV (Fluent) written/spoken/read, including the ability to translate is required. French: Level IV (Fluent) written/spoken/read, including the ability to translate is required. Wolof: Level III ( Good working Knowledge) written/spoken/read is required.


Serves as Post’s principal advisor on Senegalese protocol and diplomatic matters, local customs, official relations with the government. Provides expert advice based on sound analytical reasoning, on sensitive or complex matters regarding the relations with the host country. Develops high level host government, private sector, political and religious sector contacts to sustain and further cooperation. Administers the Mission’s contact database program and serves as database trainer and expert. Provides translator/interpreter services to Post on a case-by-case basis, through translation of official documents, diplomatic notes, bilateral agreements, annual reports and other instruments as required.

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