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Expiréeplus de 1 ans

01 Agriculture Specialist

Date limite 05 juillet 2023
Salaire mensuel A négocier
Disponibilité Immédiate

Cible Homme/Femme
Type CDI
Lieu de travail Dakar

Profils recherchés

Compétences souhaitées

  • master degree in agronomy
  • relevant experience
  • french
  • english

Expérience souhaitée

  • Confirmé | Expérimenté

Secteur d'activité

  • Humanitaire / Action sociale / Pacification

Documents à joindre

  • cv
  • visit the recruitment website

Description du poste

Master degree in agronomy or a related field Five years of relevant experience in in crop production and protection, small scale family farming systems, innovative technologies, control of plant pests Working knowledge (level C) of French and limited knowledge (level B) of English. FAO Core Competencies Results Focus Team work Communication Building Effective Relationships Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions in Africa is essential Extent and relevance of experience in developing and delivering programmes of work or projects related to sustainable plant production Extent and relevance of knowledge of the linkages between field, national and regional programs as a basis for community development for sustainable production systems; Demonstrated experience in collecting, analyzing and disseminating technical information and data. Experience in the preparation, editing and revision of technical/scientific documents and in organizing meetings and workshops. Extent and relevance of experience in managing and promoting multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency


Technical Focus Team leadership, technical expertise for the appropriate planning, development and implementation of the FAO projects and timely delivery of the project outputs and strategic capacity development. Tasks and responsibilities Support the planning, implementation/delivery and monitoring of field projects, products and/or services to enhance sustainable crop production systems, crop productivity, and sustainable crop protection; Provide support to address FAO country requests for technical assistance on seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides specifications Provides technical support/analysis to various assessments, studies and initiatives and provides technical backstopping to field projects. Supports capacity development activities in Member Countries involving the provision of advice, technical assistance projects, training workshops, seminars, and meetings as well as oversees the development of related materials, on-line tools and information kits. Support in programme development, meetings and conferences preparation and reporting Reports on progress against plans, agreed outputs, and challenges;

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The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. The organization supports countries, farmers’ organizations, Regional Economics Communities (RECs) towards this objective. Within the strategic priority “Promoting inclusive, competitive, sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems”, the subregional office for West Africa (SFW) is working on the transition to sustainable crop production systems, increasing of agricultural productivity and resource use efficiency, promoting integrated pest management, conservation and management of the continuum soil-plant-atmosphere, enhancing resilience to climate change and improvement of livelihoods and governance.